Haunted Attractions & Horror Galore Podcast (HAHGP)

New Haunts to AZ 2023

Episode Summary

We talk about 2 new haunts that are in Arizona Mill of Madness and Fright Nights at Verde Canyon Railroad! Both are different and unique to what AZ has already in Haunts so listen and check out this podcast on 2023 new haunts! https://millofmadness.com/ https://verdecanyonrr.com/further-down-the-tracks-at-verde-canyon-railroad/events/haunted-phantom-train/ usahauntsearch.com hallozona.com https://qrco.de/beJjEa Sponsors united-zombies-of-america.com synystersyn.com uzahorrorgraphy.com myscreation.com hauntingwithheart.com sydoneybanks.com Beneficiary oddity13.org Podcast By USA Haunt Search, USA Haunt Finder, HalloZona, UZA Synyster Syn, UZA Horrorgraphy, and Sydoney A. A. Banks Podcast is the property of USA Haunt Search, USA Haunt Finder, HalloZona, United Zombies of America LLC, UZA MysCreation, UZA Synyster Syn, and UZA Horrorgraphy. 2023 © usahauntsearch.com hallozona.com united-zombies-of-america.com myscreation.com synystersyn.com uzahorrorgraphy.com https://www.facebook.com/USAHauntSearch