Haunted Attractions & Horror Galore Podcast (HAHGP)

Podcast E13 HauntFest April Ghouls

Episode Summary

Talking with Roseann Harpold about Hauntfest in Athens, GA. We also talk about Halloween, and Haunted Attractions and getting to know more about Roseann Harpold. usahauntsearch.com hallozona.com https://qrco.de/beJjEa

Episode Notes

HauntFest, LLC

(706) 961 - 5144



Buy Tickets!: Hauntfest April Ghouls 2024 (fevo-enterprise.com)
















Episode Transcription

Syd (00:00.694)

All right, so hi everybody. Thank you for listening in again to our podcast. We have a very special guest with us today and her name is Roseanne and she is the founder of HauntFest. So welcome Roseanne, we're excited to talk with you today.


Roseann (00:08.344)

Thank you, excited to be here. Well, growing up my family was always super into Halloween. My dad always did Halloween parties.


Syd (00:17.58)

All right, so our first question, of course, is tell us a little bit about yourself and why you started HauntFest.


Roseann (00:32.02)

And we even had a home haunt in my home growing up too. So, you know, I'd be like a little toddler going downstairs and, you know, see some goblin there and it was just normal. Love my family. But since then, my passion has grown even more. And I have this huge dream to own a haunted theme park one day. And so the first step of doing that was me having to test like, you know, will people come to a Halloween event outside of the month of October?


So I started this festival to see, you know, I thought maybe it would just be a one -time thing, but it went so well last year that we're bringing it back. But yeah, it's like an all -around horror Halloween festival with music and vendors and Haunted Trail. Everything you can think of that has to do with Halloween and horror. So that's kind of the story.


Syd (01:20.878)

That is cool. That's cool. So it's kind of family orientated how it started.


Roseann (01:24.628)

It's at least inspired by family. Yeah, and they do help a lot. But you know, it's it's my business, but they are a big part of why it exists. Oh, yeah, that's awesome.


Syd (01:32.058)

That is cool. That's similar to kind of how um, UZA started which is the business that runs this. That's really cool. I love hearing those stories. That's why I always have to ask. Alright. So the next question is, so what is HauntFest? I know you kind of went a little into that, but tell us a little bit more.


Roseann (01:56.04)

Well, it's meant to be an all -around atmosphere of like, spookiness. Whatever that may mean. So like, all the music is either like grungy or they're playing Halloween covers. You know, there's a hayride like to get you from your car inside even. So from the very beginning, you're walking into basically Halloween in one place.


But it's at a brewery, so there's spooky beverages and things. And we have like authors reading ghost stories by the fire. And you can have some s'mores. We've got a haunted trail that starts later at night. And before that, there's free roaming scare actors and monsters going around the festival while you're looking around at all the spooky booths and the oddities. And we have taxidermy and things like that. But it's in all around.


celebration of the art of horror and everything about it.


Syd (02:56.578)

That sounds like fun actually. It almost sounds like you're kind of going for a universal vibe since you actually said there's scare actors walking around and stuff. Once you said that, that's what I automatically thought of was like theme parks. So I can see how that's kind of going into your plan. That's really cool. All right, so our next question is when and where Haunt Fest is. You just told us that it was at a brewery, but if you could just tell us when and where.


Roseann (03:23.316)

Yes, it's April 6th and 7th at Southern Brewing Company and they're actually sponsoring us. So huge shout out to them because we get the venue for free, which is amazing. And they get to sell their beer. Yeah. And it'll be on Saturday. It's from 5 p .m. to midnight and Sunday it's from 4 p .m. to 11 p .m.


Syd (03:28.754)

Oh wow. Awesome, and this is in Atlanta, Georgia, right? Athens, okay, awesome. See, I'm glad I asked, see? See, you never know.


Roseann (03:45.3)

Sorry, Athens, Georgia. Yes. Yes. Yes. Sorry. I keep leaving stuff out. My mind has been all over the place today.


Syd (03:56.108)

Oh no, you're fine. We're all about on to Anticity here, you know being your true self and just saying what you got to say. All right, so I know again you kind of went into some of this stuff, but I'm still gonna ask so what kind of haunt stuff will be at haunt fest so because we're kind of a haunt podcast. So could you tell us, you know, specifically what kind of haunt stuff you have going on?


Roseann (04:13.912)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (04:19.388)

Yeah, so like I mentioned before we have the free roaming ghouls and anyone who shows up and doesn't want to be spooked by those you can get like a glow stick. I know that's a pretty classic thing to do. But at 9 p .m. we'll open the Haunted Trail and this last year we had to kind of like throw something together because all we had was this open land to work with. So we had like tarps and it was kind of you know it was small.


But this year we have a much more extensive trail because it's in the woods behind the brewery and they have some nice walking trails back there. And this really spooky already bamboo forest that I'm really excited to work with. But there's a family that won our Halloween decorating contest and they offered to let us use some of their props as well. But I just wrote up the story the other day and...


started a scavenger hunt around town to get people excited about the story. Each clue has a little bit to do with it. But it's kind of a... It's one of those, you know, you drink the bad water kind of stories. Yeah. But that's kind of what we got going on. Yeah. Turn your little psycho... Oh, it's also called the psychopath.


Syd (05:29.086)

Well, that's cool.


You know, everybody needs a little bit of bad water in their life. Awesome.


Roseann (05:42.804)

I failed to mention that my mom comes up with all the punny stuff. She threw that out at me one day and I was like, that's pretty funny. I like that. Yeah. Oh gosh. Let me, let me pull up the list because there is a quite an extensive number of vendors. Okay. So I don't.


Syd (05:43.02)

Ooh, I like that. I like that.


Syd (05:50.894)

That is, that's actually, that's very creative. Moms tend to do those kinds of things. Awesome. So who are some of the vendors you have?


Roseann (06:10.196)

I don't know if I should really list them all because there's so many of them, but I can kind of like highlight a few if that's cool. So Wicked World does like all sorts of oddity stuff. She works a lot with taxidermy and bugs and wet specimens and just beautiful works of art. But she came to our first festival. Absolutely amazing human being. So I want to make sure to highlight that, but she's like oddity booth. Then we have someone that's doing like laser.


Syd (06:12.642)

Oh yeah, that'd be great.


Roseann (06:40.052)

etching in Korean laser. I'm never sure if I'm saying it right. We have some that do like collector's stuff, like old action figures and things that were all from old horror movies. So like Monster Kid Atlanta does stuff like that. Lots of individual artists, like Art by Miss K is one. And we've gotten Molly B Art and several others in here are just individual.


visual artists that do spooky art like paintings and drawings and Printmaking all sorts of stuff like that There's jewelry Let me see if I can find a few of those. Sorry Oh Evil twin yeah, Evil Twin Clay Company. They're amazing. They make little clay like Frankensteins and all sorts of characters in


Syd (07:24.558)

That sounds like a lot.


Roseann (07:36.882)

earring form, which is awesome. And we've also got some food. So Cafe Racer is coming and they have like burgers and fries and they've got vegetarian options. And we've got a taco stand lined up as well, which is exciting. But people do spooky dolls. People do. We actually have a nonprofit coming that's Goths for Goats, which I think is awesome. So they sell like


Syd (08:01.39)

Oh, nice.


Roseann (08:03.57)

T -shirts that say goths for goats and they have little goats on them. So all over the place. Oh, one other I definitely need to mention. We have animal encounters. So one of those is the Kofa's Cat Athens Cat Foster Program, which is they bring little kittens and dress them up in Halloween costumes and you get to do like a little meet and greet. And then we also have the Georgia Reptile Society comes and they bring snakes that you can hold.


Syd (08:25.39)



Roseann (08:33.588)

So, I mean, all over the place, we've got authors too that are doing the storytelling, will have their booths and be signing their original horror literature. So, sorry, I know that's a lot. It's just...


Syd (08:43.91)

No, that's awesome. It sounds like pretty much anybody could go to this because there's something for everybody, which that's awesome because again, when you're a horror or haunt or Halloween fan, you always want to get new things and it's hard to go shopping at Walmart or your regular places because they don't have necessarily what you're looking for. So that sounds perfect for anybody who's into any of that kind of stuff. That is so cool.


Roseann (08:50.484)

Good work.


Syd (09:09.038)

So how, or anybody else out there, how can they become a vendor? Do you still have spots open?


Roseann (09:14.644)

Yes, but I will say they are closing up quick and I did not expect the influx of people that we're getting now. So this is, you know, by the time we get closer to time, there may not be spots left, but right now there's a few. And you can go to www .hauntfest .us and there's a vendor info page that has all the information about applying and what you have to submit and all that kind of stuff.


Syd (09:41.964)

So anybody out there who wants to be a vendor make sure you head right away because that spot might not be open and If you're interested in you know selling or having anything out there make sure you get on there That's awesome. And then another question I had was why should I become a vendor or why should they become vendors out there?


Roseann (09:46.548)



Roseann (09:54.364)



Roseann (10:03.476)

Well, I will say this is going to be the hub for anyone that's into spooky stuff, macabre, goth. If that is what you sell and if that's your deal, this is not only a perfect marketing, or not marketing, networking opportunity, but also there's going to be a ton of people at this festival that are, that's all they do and love is this kind of stuff. I mean, that's why they come. So.


I would definitely be selling stuff here if I were a vendor. I just, I have to be running around and I can't sell my stuff.


Syd (10:36.958)

It sounds like it sounds like a good deal like I said if you're into that kind of thing or if you make that stuff It's a perfect outlet for you because again even as a vendor It's hard to get events like this year round that you can actually sell and make money And I mean as a vendor or an artist you have to make money too you have bills to pay so this is perfect So yeah again if you're a vendor check it out


Roseann (10:49.362)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (10:56.852)



Yeah. And I will also mention several of our vendors last year came up and were just saying how amazing it was to just talk to people that were there, that everyone has the similar interest. And so they were making friends the whole time last year with all these people. And because it's like a festival, you know, all evening events at a brewery, like you can just chill and hang out and talk to people. It's not like a, you know, you're never rushed to have people in and out of your booth. So that's just another like,


thing that may be different than other conventions that you may sell at is that this is more of an entertainment, like sit down and have fun doing it.


Syd (11:34.794)

Yeah, it sounds like as a vendor you can enjoy some of the activities that's going on too. So again, it's kind of a win -win situation I would say. So again, if you're interested in being a vendor, you need to head to the site because there's not going to be a lot of spots open. So for sure do that. So how does HauntFest run? Do you have volunteers? Do you have employees? And if you do have volunteers, what do you look for?


Roseann (11:53.97)



Roseann (12:00.326)



Syd (12:02.286)

and a good volunteer.


Roseann (12:04.596)

We're still running on volunteers this year and it depends on what kind of volunteer you are because we really need general volunteers. So if anyone is interested in coming and doing ticket sales or merch booth or running the haunt like in the front taking tickets and things like that. We need security too, just you know making sure people don't you know just waltz in without getting a ticket things like that.


Syd (12:30.208)



Roseann (12:30.964)

We really need some of those. That can also, that form is also on the homepage of the website I mentioned earlier. But as far as scare actors, they're also volunteers. And they are, I have to say the most passionate about this project. I think out of anybody, I mean, cause everyone loves Halloween, typically if you're a scare actor. But there's not an age limit or anything like that. It's going to be in the woods and I've got the story I can send you, but it's more,


Syd (12:36.526)



Roseann (13:00.212)

I just, I like to see passion in people. I like to see, you know, people who I know are interested enough to get it done right, you know? So that's all I really look for and whoever wants to be a part of this thing, be a part of this thing.


Syd (13:17.614)

Yeah, and you kind of answered my next question, which was, how can I become a volunteer? So you can go to the website and fill out an application and everything. Awesome. So do you... Oh, go ahead. No, go ahead.


Roseann (13:21.176)

Yeah, yeah, there should be a - sorry. There's a button that says Scare Actors and then there's a button that says General Volunteers and it's - they're both on the homepage. Just want to clarify. Yeah.


Syd (13:36.716)

Okay, that's cool. So whether you want to be if you like scaring or if you just want to go and meet new people Is there any perks or anything for being a volunteer?


Roseann (13:46.452)

Yeah, we will have food and refreshments and you get in for free. And since this is a two day event, I'm not going to stop you from getting in the second day free, you know, if you volunteer the first day, because we need the help. So like, we want you to be able to come and have a good time too. But there's like different time slots. So even if you just come for a few hours in the beginning, you can spend the rest of the time at the festival if you want.


Syd (14:00.846)



Syd (14:10.286)

That sounds fun. That sounds like a good deal. I don't know if you all are like Arizona, but it's hard to get some good volunteers out here. So anybody that, you know, like you said, has heart or is interested, it's like, yes, those are, those usually make the best ones. So that is so cool. So I know you kind of talked a little bit about this too, but what kind of entertainment do you have? Who are some of your entertainers or entertainment do you got?


Roseann (14:22.388)



Roseann (14:33.69)

So we have an incredible amount of bands. We had 32 bands sign up actually. So I had to, you know, we had to knock it down to 15 by the end. So we have eight on Saturday and seven on Sunday. And I'll go ahead and list these off because I think they're amazing. And they're also volunteering, which, oh my gosh, that was amazing. Thank you to all of the musicians. So Saturday, we have Karma Cat, Beat Up, Tattoo Logic, Nix the Scientist,


Syd (14:40.686)

Oh, I -


Syd (14:54.254)

That is so cool.


Roseann (15:03.188)

The Wild, Florence Cardigan, House Guest, and celebrity Ari Lehman, who's the first Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th, is coming and playing with his band, First Jason, at the end of the night on Saturday. So we're super psyched about that. Yeah, and he's also, you know, he'll be there as a celebrity appearance for both days. So if you just want to come and get a picture, get an autograph, you know, he's going to be having merch. And I think he even sells hot sauce, which is crazy.


Syd (15:12.206)

Oh wow.


Syd (15:19.502)

Wow, that sounds awesome.


Roseann (15:32.564)

That'll be a fun little experience for that. And then on Sunday, we have the Young Frankenstein's jacket, hyper sleep, swear jar, parking garage, second nature and roommate. So tons of music that'll be the full festival both days will have live music. And then there's other entertainment like we have this group Cyanide Suspension that's coming out.


Syd (16:00.588)

Oh, wow.


Roseann (16:00.596)

and do all sorts of freak show acts. They've got like human blockhead, walking on glass. They do fire shows and they usually suspend, you can't suspend in Georgia, we found out, like flesh trick suspension. However, they are going to be offering a saran wrap suspension and gravity boot suspension if anyone wants to try it themselves. So gravity boot, I think they strap some boots on you and dangle you. And then saran wrap.


Syd (16:24.51)



Syd (16:28.782)



Roseann (16:30.708)

It looks like they just wrap your body in saran wrap and hang you up. So I don't know. It looks like fun. Yeah. So they'll, they'll be doing those shows throughout the night. And we have like a little rated R section just in case. Cause some of that stuff is pretty gory, you know, body horror. And then we also have a guy, he calls himself the world's strongest blacksmith and his booth is Holy fire forge. He's also one of our vendors.


Syd (16:36.11)

That sounds fun.


Syd (16:48.396)



Syd (16:59.63)

Well, that's cool.


Roseann (17:00.026)

But he'll be forging on site. He makes weapons and things like that or like tools and Every hour on the hour. He's gonna do a little show because he is like an extreme weightlifter So earlier in the day, he's gonna like lift heavy stuff every hour on the hour And then when it gets dark, he does like fire breathing. So All sorts of fun stuff to see and listen to entertainment wise


Syd (17:08.382)

Oh wow.


Syd (17:22.126)

Oh, okay, cool.


Syd (17:26.952)

Yeah, it sounds like again there's a lot going on. Sounds like you'll be pretty busy.


Roseann (17:32.532)

Oh yeah. Hopefully they can handle most of that.


Syd (17:34.254)

That is so cool. Yeah, it sounds like a lot. But again, when it's a horror fest, you kind of have to expect, you know, haunt or horror themed stuff. It's going to be a little bit on the, you know, scary or dark side, I guess I should say. So I know you talked a little bit about the haunted trail and I just one of the questions I had was like, what is the haunted trail?


Roseann (17:52.956)



Syd (18:01.87)

And you kind of talked a little bit too how you can get involved if you want to be a haunter or an actor in it.


Roseann (18:07.72)

I'm not well, okay, so basically the trail is Like a walking trail and we'll have lights and big props and things throughout and tons of scare actors in there that'll pop out as well as We're planning on doing like a few little Tent areas like throughout the trail that are kind of stopping points. So you'll like, you know, there'll be the story booth, of course and then


Syd (18:27.022)



Roseann (18:35.22)

when you start walking there may be like a scene that you walk through or maybe a spot that everyone kind of gets a chance to stop and look around and then move on further down the trail. So that's kind of a little bit more into the details there. But.


Syd (18:50.546)

Oh, that's cool. So it's a little more theatrical than just scary.


Roseann (18:55.572)

Yeah, we definitely want to make sure people get their money's worth. We're going to be setting this thing up like a week in advance, but we're going to be busting butt to make sure it's good. So I'm super excited to start working on that project. But yeah, anyone who wants to be a scare actor, it's a ton of fun. I mean, it doesn't feel like work. I would be in there if I could. That was my favorite thing growing up in the haunt is just being able to scare people and doing it right.


Syd (19:00.352)



Syd (19:06.014)



Syd (19:19.724)



Roseann (19:24.692)

Oh, it's the best feeling in the world. But yeah, yes. If you are interested, again, that's on the homepage, the website, just click the button that says Scare Actors and there's a little form that you fill out to basically let us know when you're available. So.


Syd (19:29.038)

It really is.


Syd (19:41.23)

Yeah, that's cool. See, and I would say it because again, when you step from, you know, being an actor or volunteered actually running an event, you miss out on all those little things. But the cool part about it is you get to see others enjoying, you know, why you started in the first place. Because I'm in the same boat. It's like when you run a haunt or you run, you know, an event and stuff, you're on the other side. So you don't really get to necessarily enjoy it.


Roseann (19:52.198)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (19:59.122)



Syd (20:08.078)

how you remembered, you know, like when you're a volunteer and actor and you're like, oh, I scared those people. And you have those memories and you're like, but when you run it, you'd walk kind of away from that. But like I said, the enjoying part is hopefully you have a little time to at least get to see, you know, your creation and seeing other people enjoying exactly what you enjoyed. So I can, I can, I know, I know how that feels.


Roseann (20:08.44)



Roseann (20:30.742)

I mean, and it's like the reason I want this, the reason I made this is because I want something like this out there and because there's not really like I'm doing it but I want to be a part of it, you know, it kind of sucks that I am on the outside but yeah, you're totally right. You still get to enjoy, you know, seeing other people enjoy it and see the creation that you've made, so.


Syd (20:44.854)

Mm -hmm.


Syd (20:53.422)

Yeah, it's like a whole different world in a way. It's like you're stepping away from almost like why you started it and being a part of it to now actually running it and having to do the other side, which a lot of people, I don't think, appreciate all the work. And, you know, they don't see how hard it is to run an event or a haunt or anything like that. All the planning and all the running around and making sure everything runs smoothly. And I mean, like, that's, I think, something that people forget. So again, if you're


Attending the event don't forget about the volunteers and all the people that are helping put this on because without them you wouldn't have an event But yeah, I mean I just wanted to say that because I have you know, you always have respect and appreciation for those people because again without them there is no events, but you also have to understand they sacrifice to you


Roseann (21:30.988)

Absolutely. Yeah, and I will add on to that by saying, like, if anyone wants to tip anybody, that'd probably be good. Like, I don't really like just, you know, the regular volunteers, but like the entertainers for sure, because they, like I said, they're doing, they're volunteering for this and...


I mean, they get little perks, you know, here and there, like the snacks and drinks, but, and they'll have merch booths, but they're really taking a lot of time and effort out of their day to come. And we really appreciate them. And if you like the music, if you like the show, like throw a couple bucks at them, you know, like I think it's worth it, but yeah, definitely appreciate it. Yeah.


Syd (22:20.206)

So tips are very welcome. So if you enjoy it or have anything, I guess that means bring some of your cash so you can tip the artists and stuff that you like. And of course, support the vendors too if you see something that you like and you can afford it, for sure get it, because that helps them as well. So for sure, make sure you bring your cash, your cards, everything. Yeah.


Roseann (22:30.534)



Roseann (22:35.548)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (22:40.184)

Oh yeah, and closed -rode shoes for that walking trail. Yeah.


Syd (22:43.864)

Yeah, yeah people don't always think of that either, you know when you're attending an event they wear their high heels or you know flip -flops and stuff and you're like, oh So make sure you're wearing the right attire


Roseann (22:51.848)

Yeah, yeah. Yes, and this is very much in most. It's a mostly outdoors event like it's indoor outdoor, but you know the grass could be wet. I don't know what the weather is going to be like. You know, don't your heels will sink into the ground if you wear heels. So yeah, definitely be thinking about what you're wearing, but also feel free to come in costume. That's also encouraged. It kind of helps to add to the atmosphere and there's ways to.


Syd (23:04.512)



Syd (23:16.078)

That's cool.


Roseann (23:20.34)

be able to discriminate between customers in costume and volunteers in costume. There's different wristbands. So no need to worry about that. But yeah.


Syd (23:29.71)

that is so cool. Yeah, that's awesome. So one of the other questions I had, because I noticed I did look at the site and stuff that you do have some activities and events for kids and families. So what are some of the things that you have for families and kid friendly kind of things so kids can go as well?


Roseann (23:47.828)

So I'll start off by saying that this year we're trying a new thing doing this family hour that is just anytime before 6 is family hours. So on Saturday it's just from 5 to 6 and then Sunday it's from 4 to 6. But basically during that time the free roaming spooks will be not in the festival. Like we'll probably have them at the street pulling cars in or something so that if you have small children who are really deathly terrified,


of spooky stuff, like you won't have to worry about that during family hour. But we also have a pumpkin painting. And of course, the kittens are very family friendly. The pumpkin painting is free for the like little pumpkins for kids. And then we also have larger pumpkins. If anyone wants to buy one to paint, like there's some cool sugar skull ceramic ones that, you know, if anyone's an artist and they just want to come hang out, listen to music and paint, like go for it.


Syd (24:26.614)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (24:45.684)

But there's that. Let's see, what else do we have? Gosh, oh, there's a trivia that is at seven. So it's after family hour, but another family friendly thing. The rated R section kind of helps to keep any of those vendors that may be not safe for work vendors away from the eyes of children. So that's another advancement we've made since last year.


There's s'mores, the Harpold Manor booth, which is my dad's booth, he's a vendor as well. He'll be doing like little baggies of s'mores, so if anyone wants to go make a s'more, listen to some ghost stories from local horror authors around the fire. Perfect time to do that. The Hayride is, it's mostly, I don't wanna say mostly, the Hayride is being used for parking purposes because,


Syd (25:20.014)



Roseann (25:42.868)

some of the parking areas are gonna be at surrounding businesses just to make sure that we have enough parking. So the Hayride is gonna like take people around the different lots and then into the festival. So that'll be a fun little, you know, also family friendly kind of fun thing to do. But yeah, so there's all sorts of activities for the youngsters. And if you...


Syd (25:49.26)



Syd (25:56.588)

Oh, that's cool.


Syd (26:07.15)



Roseann (26:08.496)

I do want to clarify that after 6, it's not like anyone gets kicked out. It's just after 6, the music may be a little more vulgar or loud. There's some harder stuff going on and the spooks will be out. So it's just up to the parents after 6 if they think it's appropriate. And of course the glow sticks are still a thing. So if a kid is still scared, but like not scared enough that just seeing them would be a problem, you can get a glow stick and they won't like come into your face and mess with you.


Syd (26:23.116)



Syd (26:37.71)

Yeah, that is cool.


Roseann (26:38.196)

But yeah, so families are encouraged. We'll see how this goes. I'm excited. We had a lot of families last year, so it should be a good time.


Syd (26:48.078)

Well, I think that's a great idea because again, Halloween, I mean, yes, it's a kid, it is a kid holiday, but I mean, it's, it's pretty much all ages really. And it has been, you know, since things have changed and there's more haunted attractions and there's more adult themed. But I mean, but originally trick or treating and all that started with the kids. So it's really cool that you're actually having, you know, family friendly and kid friendly because us here, you know, in Arizona, it's, it's like a 50 50. It depends, but.


It's nice when we have some of those attractions and things that do family friendly because again, kids like to, you know, go experience things too. And sometimes, like you said, depending on the kid, they might like seeing some of the actors or they might like a little bit being there, seeing some of the scarier stuff. So that's, I think that's, I mean, like that's awesome that you're doing that. I just wanted to say that because some places don't, you know, encourage.


Roseann (27:24.436)



Syd (27:43.79)

kids or families and I think that's a whole market they're missing out on as well. Oh, okay, cool.


Roseann (27:47.172)

Yeah, and I will say since you brought this up, I completely forgot. We're also doing a trick -or -treating during the family hours. And it may last longer than the family hours, we'll see, but I'm just, we're encouraging vendors and anyone with a booth or a car, because we have a haunted car showcase as well. We have a movie replica Ecto -1 Ghostbusters car coming, which is so sick.


Syd (28:06.366)

Oh cool.


Roseann (28:15.676)

Also a hearse and there's a few other people interested in bringing their cars So trunk or treat trick or treating happening that time as well for kids


Syd (28:24.442)

Awesome, and that's pretty much like the spirit of Halloween right there. That's how a lot of it started. So that's really cool. I'm glad that you remembered that and brought that up. So yeah, so again, you can bring your youngsters. There's trick -or -treating and trunk -or -treating and, you know, just get them involved in the culture. I think that's also a good thing too, is like if you're into that and you kind of bring your kids into that at a younger age, they're not as afraid.


Roseann (28:28.752)

Good morning!


Syd (28:49.496)

or in they kind of have a, you know, like an understanding of horror and Halloween. So I think that again, that is so cool that you're doing that. And I'm sure there's a lot of families that are going to appreciate that as well. That is so cool.


Roseann (29:00.148)

Thanks. And to your point about getting kids used to it and stuff, I mean, this type of event is perfect for that because there is an out. If you don't feel comfortable, you don't have to be around them. There's kittens. If you're a frady cat, you can go hang out with the Whereas if you just throw your kid into a haunt, which that's what my family did, I'm fine. But like...


Syd (29:08.044)



Syd (29:16.364)

Ha ha!


Roseann (29:25.236)

It's like all scary all around. There's not really an out, you know, like some kids may get scared out of it that way. Whereas it was like everything is happy go lucky. Like things are scary, but it's for the fun of it. So yeah, just, I liked that point that you made. I just wanted to expand on that a little bit.


Syd (29:27.5)



Syd (29:31.176)



Syd (29:42.542)

Yeah, well, see, and a lot of people don't realize that too, like, especially in Arizona, they'll bring their kids to these haunts and kids have a whole different mindset than we do. You know, they can't necessarily separate what's real from, you know, being fake. And what they do is they traumatize their kids and then either they never ever want to go back or, you know, they're going to have those fears for the rest of their life. So you just lost a customer too. Like if you think about it, if they're never going to go back.


Roseann (29:56.466)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (30:06.93)



Syd (30:10.414)

You just lost a customer. So it's like, yeah, I like when events or even haunts have kid friendly hour, or they do like the glow stick thing or different things like that, because then you're kind of introducing them into that world where as an adult, they might either, you know, go back and they might do that with their kids when they grow up. So I don't understand how some of the haunt, you know, and this is like a stereo thing with haunts is like, screw the kids and all that. And it's like,


Roseann (30:30.812)

Mm -hmm.


Syd (30:38.67)

but you realize if you scare them to death, they're not gonna wanna come back. So yeah, it's a little bit confusing sometimes. So.


Roseann (30:44.07)

Mm -hmm. Oh, yeah. No, my... Yeah, when we ran our home haunt, my dad had one of those air compressor things where he would hold a button and the compressor would be under their feet or whatever. But he knew better than that. He was like... He would see these families come in when they were really young kids, and the kids would be like, Dad, I don't want to go in. Dad, I don't want to go in. And the dad would be like, No, it's okay. It's okay. And so as soon as the kid...


Syd (30:54.87)



Syd (31:05.806)



Roseann (31:13.748)

would pass the air compressor and the like big buff guy walked in front of it my dad would pop him with that thing and that those are the best scares because they're not expected and it's always like the tough guys that we could get with that thing and you never want to mess with the kids with the air compressor man they will flip out


Syd (31:21.582)



Syd (31:31.632)

Mm -mm.


Well, it's like as an adult, you forget, you know, how kids' imaginations really are different than ours and their brains are different. So it's like, they will see that as real. And even when they grow up, you know, because I mean, I was, I was a product of that. I was afraid because of a haunt I went to. It's supposed to be family friendly and it was not. So it took me a long time to get over that fear and, you realize, hey, it's just, you know, it's makeup. It's all that. So I like when people do that kind of thing with kids.


Roseann (31:45.716)



Roseann (31:51.572)

Mm -hmm.


We got it.


Roseann (32:01.888)

Mm -hmm.


Syd (32:05.006)

I love that because it's just, it's better in a lot of ways. And again, the whole thing is like making money and having customers for life, you know? So it's like, why would you want to scare them that bad when they don't ever want to go back? To me, it doesn't make sense. But there are haunts that I've worked out and they're like, scare the kids, you know, make them, you know, cry and whatever. And I'm like, no. But like you said, you know, scare the hard ones. Those are the good scares is when you get those, you know, whether it's...


Roseann (32:14.766)



Yeah. Yeah.


Roseann (32:31.792)



Syd (32:34.83)

female or male and they go through and they're, you know, like they have that tough and you get them and you're like, ha. You're like, I got you. That, that, I think that feels better than scaring a kid. It's like anybody could scare a kid, but you scare that giant football player right there. I'll be impressed. Oh yeah. I bet. I bet I have a ton.


Roseann (32:40.104)

It feels a lot better when you do that.


Roseann (32:50.228)

Oh yeah. Oh man. There's some fun stories with those, man. But yeah, I was just talking to someone last night saying that they hated horror movies because they watched one too young and it ruined it for the whole thing for them. And so yeah, that just the importance of not overstimulating someone at a young age is, is


Syd (33:05.906)

Yeah. Mm -hmm. Yeah, it's important. I mean, like, and as a parent, I think sometimes either you forget that or, because again, I've worked on this for a long time and I've even been in like the front where you see the customers and you'll see like,


Roseann (33:19.156)



Syd (33:33.518)

I don't want to go I don't want to go or dad I don't want to go and like well, we already paid for the ticket you're going kind of an attitude so it's like the kid doesn't always even have a say necessarily if they get to go through or not because You know some of them have that I paid for it. We're going it's like But and then as a person, you know as an actor I'm like, oh they feel so bad for that kid because really they don't have you know a choice in some ways and That's why some of the haunts I worked out and they're like no scare the kids and I'm like, you know The kids don't always have consent


Roseann (33:39.372)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (33:46.58)

Yeah. Yeah.


Syd (34:03.222)

Just saying. So again, I think that's really cool that you're doing that with your event. And like you said, that's a perfect place to take your kid to kind of get used to that stuff and kind of teaching them, you know, hey, you know, you like Halloween, you like trick or treating. This is a similar in a lot of ways. And it's just make believe. A lot of it's just make believe. So if you can get them to wrap their head around that, I mean, that's that's perfect.


Roseann (34:21.968)

And I will say to any parents out there that want to bring their kids, just like I'm going to put a survey out I'm sure after this festival as well because I got a lot of good feedback regarding like the family hour stuff last year. Yeah, like please.


Syd (34:35.114)

That is so cool.


Roseann (34:45.684)

let me know your thoughts. If it worked, if it didn't work, if your kid was not okay with it. Because we're still trying things out, we're still new to this, so please, we really do take what you say to heart when it comes to things like that and suggestions. Just let us know. We're trying our best.


Syd (35:02.382)

That's awesome Because that's the only way to learn or get better is if people tell you So I completely get that I do that the same with like events and haunts I go to it's like what did you like? It won't hurt my feelings Please tell me the truth because most people will want to tell you how great it is and it's like but You know, where could we improve on? So yeah again, if you guys have any suggestions or anything let her know because again That's the only way the event will get bigger and better is just by giving your input and letting them know


Roseann (35:09.02)



Roseann (35:16.936)

Thank you.


Roseann (35:25.492)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (35:31.67)

For sure.


Syd (35:32.458)

So I know we kind of talked about this too, but this is another question I had was like, you know, what kind of food and drink will you have there? And you know, is it available? And you kind of, you already went into that a little bit.


Roseann (35:43.576)

Yeah, so Cafe Racer has burgers and fries and it looks like scrumptious. When I was looking at the pictures I was like, dang, like if you are hungry, that is the place to go. Like I highly suggest showing up hungry to this event because I mean it is right at dinner time, but there's gonna be live music and you can get food and sit at a table and like be there, you know? So,


Fae Racer has their stuff and then we have another, it's like a not a taco truck but a taco booth that'll be there and they should both be there both days like the full amount of time. So if you just need a snack or something, I think we also have some booths in the works that may be like bakers and stuff. So there should also be some desserts that pop in there as well. And of course you can get drinks at Southern Brewing as well. They'll be making, I mean they have their classic,


Syd (36:36.698)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (36:41.584)

brews and they'll also be making spooky cocktails of all sorts. So yeah, lots of food and drink. Oh, yeah.


Syd (36:48.61)

So they got you covered Again that's a good thing to know because not all festivals always have that option too So like you said come hungry they're gonna have food and drink so they got you covered for that So pretty much you can spend the whole entire day there almost and just have everything you have your entertainment You have you know your shopping as well as food, so it sounds sounds like you hit almost everything there


Roseann (37:13.808)

I hope so there's always something


Syd (37:18.498)

Yeah, again, as planning events, you kind of want to think of all the things that are needed. So that's really cool. And then another question I had, which I kind of already configured, but are you going to have photo opportunities? And I already know you mentioned you're going to have monsters walking around and the car show and stuff. So it sounds like you'll have a lot of opportunity for photo ops.


Roseann (37:40.084)

Yeah, I would definitely say so. And like I said, I'll bring this up again, come in costume. Like, get some good pics. There's gonna be some really great backdrops, especially with the cars. And I'm pretty sure the guy who has the car is coming in his Ghostbusters outfit and get pictures with them, get pictures with Ari Lehman, because he's gonna be there. And just make sure, like, I mean, of course I'm going to suggest.


Please tag us in your photos if you post them. Our Instagram is at hauntfest .athens. And we also have a Facebook page, hauntfest .llc. So we love to see your pictures. I think it's great when we can see people having fun, because like I said, I'm all over the place that day. I don't remember anything that happened at the end of the night, because things are just... It will help us to know.


Syd (38:09.71)



Syd (38:31.854)



Roseann (38:36.884)

that people are having a good time. So please share your experience with us. But yeah, we'll also have, I think, a couple photographers running around snapping pics of stuff. So I mean, hey, if you want to be part of the HauntFest page or promo stuff, hop in there and get a pic. But yeah, tons of photo opportunities.


Syd (38:59.886)

Yeah, because that's that's the thing now too. That's very popular with haunts as well as events is like, what can I take a picture with? Who can I take a picture with? And it's great for you though, too, because it's advertising. So like you said, if you can't hashtag them or go to their page and share the photos too. So they also like you said, you know, you don't get to see everything. So that's the way you can go back and kind of look and be like, OK, good. There's a lot of people who had fun. Lots of photo opportunities happened. So.


Roseann (39:07.152)



Syd (39:27.118)

For sure, make sure you take your phone or your cameras so you can get some photos.


Roseann (39:29.472)

Oh, yeah. Oh, and I didn't even mention this, but, you know, of course, all the scare actors before 9 p .m. Well, OK, between 6 and 9 p .m. will be free roaming so you can get pictures with any of them. Like they're glad to take photos with you. So if you want any. Yeah. Yeah. So that's just. Yeah.


Syd (39:44.262)

Oh, yeah, scare actors love photo ops So bring your cameras So the next question I have is where can I put like where can I purchase tickets? How much are the prices and also are there any discounts or you know different? Ticket packages stuff like that


Roseann (39:58.432)

Thank you.


Roseann (40:04.056)

So www .hauntfest .us, same website, there's a buy tickets button on there. So it'll bring you to the correct page. We work with Feevo, so don't be alarmed if it takes you to a Feevo page, that is us. But the pre -sale tickets are $15 a day, or you can get both days for 25.


Syd (40:22.606)



Roseann (40:29.42)

for a general admission and then at the door it'll be $20 a day. So if you think about it, it's only five more dollars to go both days if you could buy in advance. So highly recommended. The Haunted Trail is $8 per walkthrough or 15 for unlimited walkthroughs. And you get like a special wristband for that when you show up. There are also some RIP really important person passes if you're interested in that. A couple different tiers of that I believe.


Syd (40:37.018)



Syd (40:50.67)



Roseann (40:58.068)

like tier one I think is priority parking. You get early access to vendors. So you get to go in 30 minutes before doors open to get first dibs on stuff. And there's one other thing that I always forget. I don't know. There's something else. That's good. Yeah. Cool. But yeah, so please.


Syd (41:14.67)

It'll probably pop up randomly. Or if you always remember, you can always email me and I'll put it out.


Roseann (41:25.268)

please get pre -sale tickets. It really helps me gauge the amount of people coming. And I know, I know it's a month in advance, but this is worth it. Like this is something that's worth getting the pre -sale tickets for, writing that in your calendar and being like, that is what I'm doing for the day. I promise you. And as far as deals go,


Syd (41:31.296)



Syd (41:43.182)

Yeah. Plus it's good to pre -plan so you know that, you know, if you need to work or whatever, when to take work off and stuff. So yeah, get those tickets.


Roseann (41:54.452)

We're trying to do some group deals. So five plus tickets sold at once is 10 % off and then 10 plus tickets is 25 % off. So the more the merrier. Like if you have a family, just go ahead and get them all at once. You you want to get your friend group together and make sure you have 10 people and get the deal. Highly encouraged. Every now and then there'll be a deal that pops up on our socials. So if you follow us, you can kind of see when that comes up. But, uh,




Syd (42:25.87)

Yeah, so if you have like a family get together or if you're doing a family reunion, this is a perfect opportunity. Take the whole family. There you go. There's food, there's entertainment. There you go.


Roseann (42:31.06)

Oh yeah.


And I mean, I'm in a college town, Athens, Georgia's, UGA everywhere. So if you're in a frat or sorority, bring all your frat buddies, your sorority girls and come on out with that group. I know you got more than 10 people there, so you can definitely get the deal. Oh yeah.


Syd (42:52.876)

Oh yeah, very easily.


So I know you kind of said this too, but this is one of the questions is, what is the website and also what kind of social media do you have? So anybody out there, if they want to follow you or go to the website, they have that opportunity.


Roseann (43:09.812)

So the website again is www .hauntfest .us. That's where you'll find all of the activities and links to some of the socials on the contact page. There is the contact page if you have any questions. I'm pretty quick at getting back with people. And that's also where you can apply to be a vendor, you can be a volunteer, all of those things. Our socials, we have an Instagram that's at hauntfest .athens. And then we also have the Facebook page.


page, HauntFest LLC, but specifically for this event we have a Facebook group called HauntFest April Ghouls. And so in that group and on the Instagram we post highlights. Right now it's daily highlights because we have so many things coming up. So we'll be posting about the bands, like more information about everything, their Spotify's, and then we post about each individual vendor because we want to make sure, you know, they get the spotlight, at least for a day on our socials.


Syd (43:46.604)

Oh cool.


Syd (43:54.838)

Mm -hmm.


Syd (44:08.782)

That's cool.


Roseann (44:09.788)

And then we also have a TikTok page called at haunt fest. So if you're interested in that Still trying to learn how to work everything. So I apologize and you know, we're a little cringy right now, but We're working on it Yeah, I think that's that's all the socials but again tag us and stuff if you can love to see it And if you're a vendor to like if you make a post about your work


Syd (44:20.11)

Ha ha!


Roseann (44:37.62)

that you're bringing, we will repost that. So the more the merrier when it comes to socials.


Syd (44:43.852)

Mm -hmm, yeah. Like I said, that's kind of how a lot of advertising has been going too is social media. That's why I wanted to ask that question. So if anybody is, you know, wanting to updates or anything like that, make sure that you follow them and you like them and you'll be able to see everything that's coming up and kind of just keep an eye on the whole event.


Roseann (44:48.756)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (45:01.492)

And we will be planning on expanding soon, hint, hint. So even if you're not in Athens, Georgia, it may be worth it if you're interested in this kind of event to go ahead and, you know, hop on the bandwagon there.


Syd (45:18.178)

That is cool. See? Good to know. So even if you don't live there and you like the stuff, for sure give them a follow, give them a like. That is, that is cool. So another question I had was, what should others know before they go to HauntFest? Do you have any like little tips or tricks?


Roseann (45:20.178)



Roseann (45:36.948)

Yes, actually. I added this year a What to Bring page. So that's also on the website if you want to read any of this. But just to remind people, the trail, make sure to wear a closed -toed shoes. It is in the woods. So like, you know, it's also probably going to be pretty dark just to keep things spooky and there may be some roots. Don't want anyone getting hurt. So just, you know, keep your eyes peeled and your toes closed. That is not how you call that. Whoa.


Syd (45:50.006)

Mm -hmm.


Syd (45:57.006)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (46:07.22)

Sorry, I just that was weird my English. I'm all over the place keep your toes closed anyway Bring your ID or your driver's license if you want to get a drink you're at a brewery So yes, they do check IDs also if you want to do any of the suspension I think you have to be 18 and I think you cannot drink before you do it so if You want to hang and dangle?


Syd (46:10.476)

You're good. Yeah.


Syd (46:18.126)

Ah, that's a good one.


Syd (46:34.094)

good to know.


Roseann (46:37.14)

make sure to go there first before getting a drink and bring your ID for that as well. So yeah, just if you are 18, 19, 20 and you can't drink, still bring your ID just in case you need to, you want to suspend. And bring cash of course. I'm sure some of the vendors will be taking Venmo and things like that, but you always want to be safe with that because a lot of these vendors are individual artists. I don't know who all has these apps. So just make sure.


Syd (46:48.994)



Roseann (47:05.332)

And for tipping too, if you would like to tip any of the musicians or the other entertainers. Coming costume, that's on here as well. Highly encourage that. We're playing with the idea of a costume contest. Not 100 % sure yet, but we'll see. Depends on, you know, trying to get some prizes together to see what we have to work with. But that's a possibility, so be thinking about it. And...


Syd (47:06.828)



Syd (47:21.356)

Ooh, that's fun.


Syd (47:26.838)



Roseann (47:35.416)

Appropriate clothing like We say this just because we want people to be aware that there there will be kids there Probably like especially if you come earlier in the night like don't come with your boobs out For these kids to see like you're gonna catch a case Please be like aware of what you're wearing but also like feel free to let your freak flag fly just Keep keep it in mind Yes


Syd (47:43.118)



Syd (47:51.614)



Syd (48:01.006)

Keep it classy.


Roseann (48:04.276)

And then just let us know if you have any special accommodations because parking will be crazy. So if you need a handicap spot or like a place to pull up closer to the event, like make sure to let our parking people know when you get there. Also, if you get an RIP pass because priority parking is on there and it's before you get your ticket scanned, make sure you have that pulled up for our parking people.


so they can see that you have an RIP pass so they can park you in the appropriate area. Yeah, I think that's mostly all the things, tips and things that I've got. But have a good time. Just come ready to have a good time. No bad attitudes.


Syd (48:30.912)



Syd (48:41.134)

That's good.


Syd (48:47.03)

That actually might go into my next question is what can't I bring to the fest? Do you have anything that you can't bring don't bring a bad attitude? That's the first one


Roseann (48:51.73)

Oh yeah.


Yeah. No bad attitudes, you know, unless if something really happens, like that's fine. But, you hopefully that that will not be the case. But yeah, also, you know, don't bring flip flops. Don't bring, you know, a thong and only wear that, please. I'm trying to think. Probably don't. Yeah, OK. Don't bring like actual dangerous weapons. Because that.


Syd (49:01.774)



Syd (49:11.372)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (49:24.5)

could be a problem, you know? Like, if it goes with a costume and it's like, not a dangerous weapon and it's obvious, that's whatever, but like, if you come with like a sharpened sword ready to decapitate someone, that's gonna be a problem. So, don't do that. I think that's all I can think of as far as not bringing.


Syd (49:35.628)



Syd (49:45.326)

That's good.


And that's one reason we ask those questions, because sometimes, you know, there are certain places that you can't bring weapons at all, and, you know, there's different rules. So just to know ahead of time, so nothing that can actually hurt anybody. Please.


Roseann (49:55.156)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (49:59.058)



Yes, please. Oh, one more thing. Because we have the kitten booth, I would suggest not bringing like a dog. Like, I know that it's a brewery, you know, and it's outdoors and it may be okay, but just to be safe, I would stay away from that because the snakes are going to be out and there's kittens that will be out and that could just that could cause a problem. And I know that Southern Brewing also has a couple cats that like live there. So, yeah, as far as.


Syd (50:17.014)



Syd (50:21.902)



Roseann (50:31.188)

animals go, just be mindful. Like if it's like a little tiny dog, like it's probably fine, but just, you know, it could get eaten by a snake. That's not on me. All right, I'm telling you right now. Don't do that. But yeah.


Syd (50:43.886)

That's actually that's again, that's a good that was a good thing to bring up Yeah, so try and try to be mindful of the critters that are around and don't you know? Maybe don't bring your giant bastard hound and stuff


Roseann (50:57.116)



Syd (50:59.306)

Yeah, I know it's family friendly and you know, we count pets as family, but just the two -legged ones possibly. That's funny. So now I have a couple of questions that are more just to you so we can kind of know you better. And the first one I have is, and you kind of said this already, but why do you like Halloween and horror so much? What got you into it?


Roseann (51:04.084)



Roseann (51:09.716)



Roseann (51:22.676)

I definitely have to credit my dad for that one. Like I said, he's thrown Halloween parties since before I was born. Like when he was in college, he was like the party guy and that was his thing. And I've always thought he was so cool. Like he always had so many people, so many friends that were like, oh, that's the party guy. And, you know, he's thrown those every year since. And so my family, I mean, I credit my whole family, but especially my dad.


Syd (51:32.91)



Roseann (51:52.724)

But every year that we have the party, we have a family costume and it's like this whole thing that really brings us together. And I, you know, help dad set up the decorations everywhere and it's just time that we can spend together and stuff. So, um, that's really where it was born inside of me. Um, but I don't know. I've, I don't personally consider myself like goth, but it's, it's like different. It's like a.


dark, I think someone said dark -spirited and I really liked that. But I really appreciate the art of horror. So this always surprises people. I'm not really into horror movies. I'm into haunted houses though. So I like the classics and things that I can like sit and watch and appreciate the art of the movie. But as far as just like jump scares and


Syd (52:39.086)



Syd (52:47.756)



Roseann (52:51.092)

I don't like being stuck in a chair, like not being able to move and watching something. Like, I don't know, it just stresses me out for like two hours. And I would rather be walking through something and being able to see like how this person made this prop and like, you know, all the stuff that they're using. Cause I can see it from an artist mindset rather than, you know, someone who's just dead terrified of that kind of stuff. Yeah, so I kind of went down a rabbit hole with that one, but yeah.


Syd (53:18.222)

Oh no, that's fine. It's funny you brought that up too, because I was like the same. My dad always decorated for Halloween and that's kind of how I got into it. But as a kid, I didn't like getting scared. It's kind of like that curiosity. I was like, I wanted to see it or be a part of it, but I didn't want to get scared. So it's like, I can totally, you know, I get it. And the same with horror movies. As a kid, I didn't really watch a whole lot. It wasn't until I got into the haunt scene and people would say, hey, did you see this or whatever, and I had no idea what they were talking about.


Roseann (53:34.964)



Syd (53:48.238)

So I had to start watching some of it just so I knew kind of the culture and what they're talking about. Otherwise I was like, I have no idea what you're saying. It's like, yeah.


Roseann (53:52.5)

See? Yeah.


That is exactly what's happening to me right now. Like I feel behind. Like I have to just actually catch up to the culture, like to be able to talk to people, which is crazy. But.


Syd (54:06.208)

Mm -hmm.


And it was funny because for the longest time, like, wait, you haven't seen any horror movies? Like, it's almost like you're like, you're at a place of like, wait, what? You like what? So I get it. It's like, yeah. So it's like recently I've had to watch, you know, and again, I kind of like you, I watch it differently than just, you know, I want to get scared. It's more like watching it for the makeup or the effects. So it's like, I still don't even watch it exactly the same as a horror fan would watch it. So it's like, yeah, it's...


Roseann (54:13.586)



Roseann (54:18.868)



Roseann (54:31.122)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (54:35.188)

Yeah. Yeah.


Syd (54:38.894)

I'm a little bit of an oddball when it comes to the whole entire, like you said, community and all that. But I mean, but again, the cool thing about horror or haunt people is they're very understanding because it's almost like we're kind of like the misfits are outcasts. So in a way, it's like they don't judge you exactly on it. They'll be more like, how do you not know that? Or they think it's weird, but they're not like, oh, well, we're not going to talk anymore kind of an attitude.


Roseann (54:53.682)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (55:00.082)



Roseann (55:04.66)



Syd (55:04.686)

So it's funny that you brought that up because it's like, oh yeah, I totally get it.


Roseann (55:09.3)

Yeah, well, it's great to meet a kindred spirit, because usually people just think I'm crazy when I say that.


Syd (55:14.606)

Right, right. And especially like, and I know like different communities since you're in Georgia and I'm in Arizona, it's like different, but it's funny because even though there's differences, I think with the horror and haunt community, it's a lot the same. So when, like when you said like, I don't really watch horror movies, cause I remember when I first started my first haunt, like the only thing I really knew was like thrillers and music video. And I was, I was, I was in the graveyard and I was a zombie and they're like, yeah, but you're really good. How is...


Roseann (55:27.346)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (55:37.044)



Syd (55:41.902)

How is that the only thing you've seen with zombies in it? I'm like, hey. Because it's a music video. It's not necessarily a horror movie. So yeah, I get it. I get it. That's funny. Yeah, that's really cool. And that brings me to my next question, which will be interesting since you said that is, what's your favorite horror movie and why?


Roseann (55:50.034)

Mm -hmm. Oh, yeah.




Roseann (56:01.936)



All right, I gotta think about this.


Roseann (56:12.724)

I don't know if it's considered a horror, but I have a Beetlejuice poster right behind me here. Yeah, I love Beetlejuice. I also, I thought Scream was hilarious. I don't know if you've seen Scream, but it's like not that it's scary. It's more like poking fun at other horror movies, so I really liked that concept. And, you know, if there's a little humor in it, like, I enjoy the movie usually, because that's -


Syd (56:18.03)

Hey, I count that, I count that.


Syd (56:26.988)

Mm -hmm.


Syd (56:39.436)



Roseann (56:40.052)

like what I get out of it, but if it's the whole time, just like stress, can't do it. So.


Syd (56:43.95)

Yeah, I could agree with that. When there's at least when there's comedy, it's like, okay, you get something. But yeah, I would count Beetlejuice for sure. Tim Burton's awesome. So anything of his is amazing. But yeah, Beetlejuice is a good one. I'm sure some people would be like, that's not necessarily horror. It's like, yeah, it is. He was technically he was a ghost and they all died. So I mean, come on, that's horror.


Roseann (56:51.508)

Yeah. Mm -hmm.


Roseann (56:57.874)

Oh yeah, I love... yes, absolutely.


Roseann (57:06.566)



Mm -hmm. Yeah, I mean I also okay the sixth sense I really like to the shining I like but it's also like stressful


Syd (57:21.998)

See, me personally...


Roseann (57:24.596)

But this is - yeah, I like movies with a twist, so that one - that one really stuck with me. Mm -hmm.


Syd (57:30.094)

That has - The Sixth Sense does too. Yeah, that's a good one. Those are kind of like, haunt, but also like thrillers in a way too. Like, they're horror thrillers, so yeah, that - Even those are a little bit different than just horror. So yeah, I could get that too. See, me personally, I like - One of my favorites is Night of the Living Dead. Just because, you know, that was like one of the first ones, and that's technically how zombies were introduced, but - And again, you watch it now and it's more kind of comical than when they first came out, you're like -


Roseann (57:37.076)



Roseann (57:42.93)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (57:54.482)



Roseann (57:58.376)



Syd (58:00.078)

Can't believe people were afraid of this, but hey, back then that was scary. Now it's almost like you have to see everything. And very gory.


Roseann (58:03.548)

Oh yeah. Yeah, I was just wondering.


Mm -hmm. Yeah, my dad, he said when he watched Jaws for the first time, he couldn't even swim in his own swimming pool. Like, he was on the swim team in high school, I think, and he was like, I was so scared I did not want to touch water. And then watching that movie now, he was like, okay, alright. Yep.


Syd (58:19.052)



Syd (58:25.934)

Yeah, you're like... My mom was the same way. She couldn't even take a shower for a while because she was afraid the shark was going to come, you know, up. So it's like, yeah, but you watch them now and you're like, but again, you have to respect that though, because that's how, you know, everything came about. But still you can watch and be like, I can't believe this was scary back when it was scary.


Roseann (58:34.804)



Roseann (58:39.708)

Oh yeah!


Roseann (58:46.58)

Yeah, that's the kind of stuff I like to see. Like I can watch Jaws because it's it's we're so far advanced from that now that like I can see that and be like that is art. If that makes sense, you know, I can watch it from an artist mindset because it's it doesn't stress me out as much as others for that reason, which I being the person I am, I like movies like that because I can like just sit and watch it and enjoy it.


Syd (58:55.52)



Syd (59:00.076)

Mm -hmm.


Syd (59:14.99)

Yeah, more as an artist.


Roseann (59:15.828)

But it's almost, yeah, the better they get, the more I'm like, I don't, I don't want to see that anymore.


Syd (59:22.51)

Well, like I said, nowadays it's almost like it's like see it's almost like people forgot the art of whore. Like you don't have to show everything because your imagination is way more messed up than what they could actually show you. So like a long time ago, a lot of the movies they would they would like cut and you wouldn't see necessarily you knew something bad happened, but you didn't know what. But your mind can go, like you said, kind of into that dark rabbit hole. So it's like.


Roseann (59:44.242)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (59:49.542)



Syd (59:50.35)

I think a lot of people kind of forgot that was like, you don't necessarily have to show everything. And sometimes that's like more terrifying than actually saying, oh yeah, okay, yeah, the person got murdered, you know, whatever.


Roseann (59:55.186)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:00:01.204)

Yeah. The one that I literally hate to my soul is Texas Chainsaw Massacre because it is so like you see everything. And but I get I get that the people who like horror movies like they have the appeal from that. But I hated that because the whole time I'm stressed and it's just like screaming for probably nine minutes in the movie and torture. And I'm like, why am I sitting in this chair?


Syd (01:00:11.286)



Syd (01:00:18.134)



Syd (01:00:25.646)

Yeah, yeah.


Roseann (01:00:30.516)

Like, why? What brought me to this moment?


Syd (01:00:34.574)

My mom's the same way, like when there's a scene and someone's screaming for too long, she's like, oh my gosh, kill them already. And it's like, that's not the attitude you're necessarily supposed to have, but sometimes it is like, oh, okay, okay, it's been like 15 minutes, okay, let's, they're like, okay, we get it.


Roseann (01:00:40.084)



Roseann (01:00:44.774)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:00:50.068)

Yeah, I mean I love psychological thrillers and stuff, but yeah, when it's in your face, like this is just too much. I don't know. I feel like I shouldn't be saying this.


Syd (01:00:58.638)

That's funny Hey, everybody's a little different but again, you know, everybody has a different perspective and like I said, I can watch horror movies, but I just I just watch it for different reasons even the really gory ones and stuff You're like that's interesting or now they're using more CGI blood and you're like, okay that was CGI and you're like It doesn't look as good and you're like, why can't you just do the real stuff? It's like, you know, come on


Roseann (01:01:16.34)



Roseann (01:01:20.242)



Roseann (01:01:25.488)

I didn't even know they were doing CGI blood now. That's how much I've been watching horror movies.


Syd (01:01:29.902)

Yeah It's not I mean, it's it's starting to get a little more common than it used to be but it's You you can watch it and you can kind of tell you're like that doesn't look real I think the last one that I watched and I noticed a lot of I think it was the three from hell or whatever from Rob Zombie There was a lot of it and I was it just it didn't look I don't know. It just didn't look as good And then also you kind of you feel sad because you're like the makeup artists, you know and the effects it's like


Roseann (01:01:35.538)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:01:58.354)

Mm -hmm.


Syd (01:01:59.374)

I know that CGI is a whole new effect itself, but I just think the practical is better.


Roseann (01:02:05.268)

Yeah. Yeah, I haven't seen it, but I can already agree with you on that.


Syd (01:02:09.388)

Yeah, well the only reason really I started watching Rob Zombie was because we worked his Haunt and again I didn't know any of his movies so like they're like how can you work at Rob Zombie's Haunt and not know any of the movies so I watched all of them and I'm like okay. I don't know if it really benefited me as much but at least when people said something I was like okay I know the scene you're talking about okay I got it.


Roseann (01:02:18.132)

I'm sorry.


Roseann (01:02:23.442)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:02:33.108)

Yeah, I can be part of this conversation now. I deserve to be here.


Syd (01:02:36.486)

Or you know, they'd be like, so how did you like it? You're like There's some good makeup and stuff. How'd you like the story? I really have no idea what I just watched like some of those movies you're like, I don't know what I just watched like There's a couple of them. We like yeah, he has like some good ones But then there's some you just like I have no idea why I just spent you know Two hours what kind of like you said watching this. It's like what I can't get that back


Roseann (01:02:41.044)



Roseann (01:02:51.218)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:03:03.604)

Oh, yeah.


Syd (01:03:05.422)

I'd rather watch Beetlejuice or Nightmare Before Christmas or something. There you go.


Roseann (01:03:08.828)

And... Oh yeah, all the Tim Burton stuff.


Syd (01:03:12.532)

Exactly. So my next question, I don't know if you'll really, you should be able to answer this, but what is your favorite horror monster or character and why?


Roseann (01:03:23.188)

Hmm, of course my mind goes straight to Beetlejuice, but Yeah, let me let me think about this for a second see if there's anyone else that comes to mind Gosh cuz I'm sure I'm sure I have more than just Beetlejuice, but we've been talking about and I like that He's also like comical. I mean, he's kind of gross and weird, but it's kind of fun, too


Syd (01:03:27.534)

Hey, that can count.


Syd (01:03:40.974)



Syd (01:03:44.686)



Roseann (01:03:52.884)



This is bad. This is bad. Yeah, I -


Syd (01:03:55.726)

I would count it. I would count it because I mean he did and Michael Keaton did a great job in that character. He really did. It's a good one. I mean I remember when I was little watching it I wasn't necessarily afraid but you're still kind of like like that guy's weird. He's a little off. So yeah I would count that. See me like I like a lot of like especially Tim Burton because you have Jack Skellington and all that but


Roseann (01:04:15.314)

Mm -hmm.




Roseann (01:04:23.86)

Yeah, I was about to say like maybe Edward Scissorhands or something like another Tim Burton character.


Syd (01:04:26.828)

Oh, that's a good one too. That's a good one too. Edward Scissorhands is awesome. You feel for that guy.


Roseann (01:04:34.534)

yeah and then uh oh gosh what's the other one called? Tweenie Todd the one for our musical like that's crazy but yes um and Sleepy Hollow too Johnny Depp has been in a lot of uh yeah i also just i i love Johnny Depp so that may be biasing my opinions right now yeah


Syd (01:04:39.566)

Oh, that's a... That's a good one.


Syd (01:04:47.086)

Yeah, that's also good. Yeah, he's in a lot of their movies.


Syd (01:04:56.954)

My mom's the same way. So what is one of your favorite like Halloween memories that you have and why?


Roseann (01:05:07.22)

Okay, well first thing that just came to my mind was it was when I was scaring at our house, Harpold Manor. It was one of the last years that we did it because after I went to college my dad was like, I really like need your help. So I couldn't, we haven't been doing it since I've gone to school because a lot of my friends were the volunteers too. But oh my gosh, there was this guy with his


Syd (01:05:16.846)



Syd (01:05:35.724)



Roseann (01:05:36.308)

friend and he was like a baseball player like he was you know probably holding on to his belt buckle you know and he was the most scared person I've ever seen at a haunted house like period he was trying to climb up the side of our house like scale it and to get away from me and I was not doing anything I just had I sent you some pictures but I one of the pictures is me with


I don't know if you've ever done SFX with oatmeal. But yeah, so I had like this half of my face was like a giant burn scar with oatmeal and makeup and stuff. But I was just in this little like nightgown blood on me standing there looking at him. Like I was not even moving towards him and he was trying to climb up the wall. And all throughout the house, of course, like now that I know this, I'm like, he's my target for the rest of the night. Because he's not a kid.


Syd (01:06:09.548)



Syd (01:06:15.606)



Syd (01:06:26.242)

Oh my gosh.


Roseann (01:06:35.732)

Alright, he brought his girlfriend here, he knows what he's doing. But everywhere that I saw him, he was like ducking, like crawling away, like trying to get away. And you know, at first outside, I was like, for a split second thought, is he do - like, is this a joke? But he had real fear in his eyes. And I was like, no man would embarrass himself this much in front of his girlfriend. Like, she was just standing there. She was having the time of her life.


Syd (01:06:36.15)



Syd (01:06:56.398)

Oh my gosh.


Syd (01:07:00.342)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:07:05.3)

But at the end of the haunt, he comes out and I'm there at the end, like waiting for him. And he sees me, books it to the parking lot. And I followed him to the parking lot because it was just too much fun. But I like stood in front of his car door and he like couldn't, he couldn't open the door. Like he went under his truck. Like he crawled under his truck to get away from me. And I was just like, wow. And then, you know, eventually,


Syd (01:07:28.142)

Gosh. Oh my.


Roseann (01:07:35.092)

I laugh, but his girlfriend's just like, get in the truck! Like, it's just some girl, get in the truck! He's like, AHHHH! AHHHH! But, oh gosh, the euphoria that gave me. Yeah. I - I - I - I I I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I -


Syd (01:07:43.118)

That's good.


Those are the best stories.


Syd (01:07:50.542)

Oh gosh. And then you're like, man, I wish I could have recorded that.


Roseann (01:07:55.124)

Yeah, it's him here though, in my head forever and ever. I'll probably never recognize him if I saw him in the street, but yeah, he wouldn't recognize me either. I don't know, that's I call the oatmeal.


Syd (01:07:59.31)

That sounds like a fun memory.


Yeah, he might recognize you though.


That's true, that's true. Or he'll just like recognize half your face. He's like, wait a minute, I've seen you somewhere.


Roseann (01:08:14.868)

Yeah. I've seen you somewhere in a dream, in a nightmare once.


Syd (01:08:19.438)

He tried to block that whole thing out. But I'm sure the girlfriend really enjoyed that.


Roseann (01:08:23.506)



Roseann (01:08:28.276)

Oh yeah, I don't know. If you didn't dump him after that, I don't know. He seemed like, kinda upset with him. Like, she was embarrassed enough to be mad at that point. She was like, you need to pull your crap together.


Syd (01:08:35.47)



I'm sorry.


She's like, yeah, she's like, usually it's supposed to be the girl running and screaming, but you know, whatever.


Roseann (01:08:45.396)

Yeah. And I mean, keep in mind, like, this is just like some high school kids. Like, that's - we just have volunteers in my - in my house. Like, it's just a free haunted house. And so, gosh. Yes. Gotta love it. See ya.


Syd (01:08:50.092)

Oh, God.


Syd (01:08:55.022)

Oh, those are the best ones. So our last question is again since we're kind of a haunted attraction podcast is what is your favorite haunted attraction and why?


Roseann (01:09:05.874)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:09:10.708)

I am partial to Mad World. It's in South Carolina. I'm super inspired by what they did with the end, or not the end, but like, okay. Let me just set the scene. You walk in and it's basically a festival, like kind of. I mean, they don't have live music, but they have concessions and they have a fire pit and they have some free roaming spooks. They have games like...


There's like this animatronic zombie game, you can throw a brain in a zombie head or something like that. And so while you're waiting in line, you can see people get scared by all the spooks and all this. So there's a lot of entertainment just waiting to get into the haunt. And then the way that they have it set up is like, it's like a trail that takes you to different cabins in the woods. And each cabin is a different theme.


And some of them are like really done up. Like they don't necessarily look like a cabin. I'm just referring to them as that because that's the feel of some of them. But like each one has like a really strong theme too. So one of them may be like a circus and the whole like opening to get in is a giant clown head and you go in and there's clowns everywhere and clown bodies like hitting you while you're walking through and.


Syd (01:10:13.676)



Roseann (01:10:33.14)

You know, some of them are based on like stories. I think they have a Hansel and Gretel or they did last year, where there was the kids were there and they had the witch. And so like, I just, I love the setup because you get so many different vibes from each place. It's like a new, it's almost like a mini haunted house in each little cabin. Anyway, I just, and they have some really cool like,


Syd (01:10:38.606)

No, it's cool.


Syd (01:10:56.974)

That's cool.


Roseann (01:11:01.044)

I don't know if they're animatronic or if it's just like the giant heads, you know what I'm talking about? Where they like go through with it. So they've got some of those that are pretty sick. Yeah, that one's definitely up there for me. I try to hit that one every year if I can.


Syd (01:11:05.102)

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.


Syd (01:11:15.054)

have to check that out. I haven't heard of that one, but I know down where you're at, there's a bunch of really, really good haunts in that area. Arizona, sadly, we have one or two that are pretty good and then the rest are like, but yeah, where you all are, I know that there's some really good ones in that area, so that's pretty cool.


Roseann (01:11:32.948)

Yeah. What is the haunt life like in Arizona? Like, it sounds like... Well, there must be other people like you there, right? Maybe just don't own a haunt? Maybe?


Syd (01:11:36.364)

Oh gosh.


Syd (01:11:43.382)



Yeah, I mean, well, we have we have a AZ Haunters and we have a couple of other like little organizations and Like the home haunts is where it's at here Yeah, like those are the people who actually really care and usually it's free or really cheap It's more of like the big attractions here that are like really disappointing because I mean like the best one that we have here is the slaughterhouse and it's in Tucson so it's a little bit far from Phoenix not too bad, but


Roseann (01:11:52.402)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:12:01.876)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:12:06.26)



Syd (01:12:13.134)

You know, you have to kind of travel to go to the good ones. And then we have another good one that's in a parking lot that's more family owned and operated. And that one's called, um, sanctum of horror. And that's also a really good one. And we just recently got another one called, um, Oh my gosh, Milla madness, which is a newer one and it's owned by like a, like a theater, like a kind of like a movie company. They do movies and stuff. So that one's pretty good. But I mean, some of the big names here that we have, they're not.


Roseann (01:12:13.33)

Mm -hmm.


Syd (01:12:42.956)

And they're very expensive too. That's what I don't get is like you pay 50, 60 bucks and they're really not worth it. And you're like, you know, you pay that much. You're like, really? I can't believe I just went through this. And I know like, especially like in the St. Louis area and like where you guys are, your ticket prices are pretty decent. And I know that the haunts are really good. So it's kind of like when you're in the haunt industry and you know stuff, and then you go to like some of the big ones here, you're like, they're over, you know, overpriced and they're not worth it.


when you can go somewhere like Georgia or St. Louis or New York and you can go to Headless Horsemen or whatever. And it's half the cost and those haunts are extremely, they're awesome when it comes to makeup, acting, storytelling. So Arizona, I would say if you ever came here, it's the home haunts or where it's at here.


Roseann (01:13:19.804)



Roseann (01:13:26.93)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:13:37.844)

Yeah, well, I'll definitely have to get back in touch with you if we plan on coming out that way, because yeah, having any sort of connections to the community, especially if things are spread out, like you say, would be good because, yeah.


Syd (01:13:44.14)

Oh yeah, for sure.


Syd (01:13:50.956)

Mm -hmm Well, we have a huge horror community here like we have we have like cons and stuff that happen year -round my dog wants to be a part of the podcast But we have like there's a there is the industry here like we have a lot of hot and horror fans. It's just sadly Because the standards are so low. I guess you could say for you know, like the big attractions


Roseann (01:14:02.612)



Syd (01:14:19.49)

And that's what a lot of us littler guys are trying to do is kind of like bring it back up, you know, and make it better. So it's like, yeah, if you, if you did a horror convention here, it's going to do really good because we have a couple and they do really well. So it's not like we don't have the people. It's just. Sadly, the haunt industry here is, but it's slowly getting better. It's getting there.


Roseann (01:14:23.796)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:14:42.228)

Yeah. So cool. Yeah, it's hard to know when without having lived all these places. That's one of my biggest fears with traveling is like, I have no idea what to expect. I mean, yeah, I mean, I could show up to a place and they could kick me out. You know, I don't I don't know what it's like ahead of time. Well, yeah, because I think I briefly mentioned I don't remember if it was South Carolina or North Carolina, but I was I was at the oddities expo in Atlanta and.


Syd (01:14:44.942)

For sure. Yeah.


Syd (01:14:52.622)

What you're getting into, yeah.


Syd (01:14:58.99)



Syd (01:15:11.47)

Oh cool.


Roseann (01:15:11.922)

I mentioned something about, I was like, yeah, I'm looking into places like near Georgia for now, just to see like what my possibilities are. Cause I'm still in school. Like I want to take off with this, but I know that, you know, I've got to at least get through school. So I mentioned either South Carolina or North Carolina. And one of those, she was like, don't go there. What do you mean don't go there? She's like, there.


Syd (01:15:21.932)



Syd (01:15:27.574)



Roseann (01:15:39.676)

Nobody likes to stuff there. That's a bad place to be. No one will come. I'm like, okay, um, I mean, I'm still gonna try, but now I'm like, you know, should I be worried about some of these places or is it just that there isn't something like this yet and that's why.


Syd (01:15:48.652)



Syd (01:15:55.918)

Yeah, and I think that some of it too is there isn't things like that everywhere. So like I said, us misfit weird people don't have necessarily an outlet. So it's not that maybe maybe she doesn't know because again, if there isn't anything, it's like you don't know.


Roseann (01:16:00.658)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:16:10.676)

Yeah, yeah, well, we'll have to see but trial and error I guess


Syd (01:16:16.768)

Yeah, that's the best. What are you going to school for?


Roseann (01:16:19.828)

I'm getting a biology and a psychology degree. But I didn't know what my passion was until I was deep into school. And so I'm going to finish it. But, you know, I really want to run with the festival thing for a while and see, see where it goes. I hope it goes somewhere and I can do it, you know, for a while. But yeah, I also have an art minor, which I finished.


Syd (01:16:38.7)



Syd (01:16:43.374)

That's cool.


Roseann (01:16:47.636)

really sad that I finished it because now I can't take more art classes. And then I joined the entrepreneurship program because of my, yeah, the big dream Honda theme park thing, which is kind of what got this whole festival started. So yeah, got a lot, a lot going on in all sorts of different areas. Just kind of power through.


Syd (01:16:49.23)



Syd (01:16:54.862)

There you go.


Syd (01:17:03.116)

Yeah, go in.


Syd (01:17:09.838)

That's cool. Hey, but you know, you know, um, you know, psychological and stuff is a hot, so you, I mean, you got it. Even though it's not necessarily what you were going for, but you could still use that degree.


Roseann (01:17:14.802)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:17:19.54)

Yeah. I mean, anatomy with biology, I know way too much. You know, I could tell you all of the organelles and like things in a cell. So if I need that one day, maybe I'll have like a science lab in a haunt and I'll see. Yeah.


Syd (01:17:24.014)

There you go.


Syd (01:17:31.456)

That'll come useful.


Syd (01:17:36.11)

There you go. They'll be like, that hone is realistic. And you're like, yeah, because I took biology, I know what I'm doing.


Roseann (01:17:43.508)

Yeah. Yeah, we'll see. We'll see if they become helpful. I know psychology, like I just took psychology for fun because I was just a bio major just because it was like a general thing to do because I had no idea what I wanted to do. And I just tacked on the psychology major because after I took one of the psychology classes, it was just so interesting. Like I loved learning about it. There's so many crazy things about the brain.


Syd (01:17:51.724)



Syd (01:18:07.884)



Syd (01:18:12.278)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:18:12.372)

So I just was like, I'm just gonna do this because I enjoy it. But I don't necessarily want to be a psychologist or anything. I just like it.


Syd (01:18:22.254)

Yeah, but that will that again psychology is a big part of haunts really really is so that'll help you Especially if you do more horror fest and stuff, you'll be able to use that so that's even though it's like how can I use this but you can use it


Roseann (01:18:26.076)

Thank you.


Roseann (01:18:36.404)

Yeah, psychology I think is widely, or useful in a wide variety of, you know, contexts, even just everyday. Yeah.


Syd (01:18:42.252)

Oh yeah. I'll be able to help you. Yep. Well, it sounds like you got a really cool con going and it sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun that festival. Wish we could be there. That'd be so cool. Maybe one day, right? But I hope it goes well and you know, maybe we could even do a podcast after and you could tell us how it went and a little bit more. Cause I would be cool too to have like a little follow up. But um.


Roseann (01:18:56.372)



Roseann (01:19:07.988)

Yeah, that'd be great. And hopefully by then, you know, we'll have something else lined up that we can talk about too. Have to see.


Syd (01:19:13.358)

Yeah, for sure. We'd love to have you back again. We like all kinds of different people. And again, Haunters and Halloween lovers is a lot of what this podcast is about and different things like that. So yeah, I'd love to have you back on. It was a lot of fun and it seems like we have a lot in common too, which is awesome. But yeah. Uh huh. Right. I know there's more of us out there. We just have to find them.


Roseann (01:19:23.668)

Mm -hmm.


Roseann (01:19:30.004)

Yeah, it's definitely been nice talking to you because again, it's nice to meet a kindred spirit.


Roseann (01:19:40.818)

Oh yeah.


Syd (01:19:43.182)

But yeah, I really appreciate your time and telling us and I hope it goes well. And like I said, anybody out there who's interested, please check out the website. We'll put it on our website and everything. So it'll be there and we'll help promote that as well. Anything that you want us to share, just let me know and we'll share that as well. But yeah, do you have anything else you'd like to share with us before you go?


Roseann (01:19:43.508)



Roseann (01:19:58.26)

We... Yeah, thank you so much for having me.


Roseann (01:20:05.716)

Um, let's see, I think we covered all the bases, but I'm taking a quick look at my website, because I have, I'm probably the most active person on my website. I mean, because I, I forget so many things, there's so much going on. Um, gosh. Um, I mentioned the Sinai Suspension shows, but there's actually, if you go to the activities page on our website, you can see the showtimes. Um, cause I think.


Syd (01:20:11.432)



Syd (01:20:17.614)

That's good.


Syd (01:20:34.862)

Oh, okay, cool.


Roseann (01:20:35.828)

They have specific show times and then they'll be like doing little things in between or like maybe doing the suspensions for anyone who wants to try in between. But yeah, if you want more info on that, I guess last things I'm seeing here, we have a raffle. It's $5 a ticket. You can get those at the festival. I think we're probably drawing later in the night on Sunday just to make sure that like both days people can.


Syd (01:20:54.062)

Oh, that's cool.


Roseann (01:21:04.564)

get tickets, but you don't have to be present to win or anything. But we got a lot of different sponsors that have been donating stuff. So it's going to be a pretty hefty basket. And a lot of them are like really awesome vendors donating vendor stuff. So there's that. And then there is someone coming to do face painting and there's someone else coming. Sunsweet tattoo is coming and doing tattoo stencils. So they're not like


Syd (01:21:17.902)

That's cool.


Syd (01:21:24.182)

Oh nice.


Roseann (01:21:33.652)

real tattoos but they're yeah um they i think it's it's free of charge and they put put a stencil on you and look real cool so yeah um that's another kid friendly thing too i guess i forgot to mention sorry about that yeah


Syd (01:21:33.87)

Tattooing, yeah.


Syd (01:21:49.134)

Well hey, that's good. That's why I wanted to say hey if you had any last minute thoughts. Because I mean, like you said, our minds are all over the place. So it'll just come out randomly like, oh yeah, we're doing that. I forgot about that.


Roseann (01:21:53.3)

Mm -hmm. Yep, still don't remember that third RIP pass thing, but you can always go look at the tickets, click buy tickets, and you can peruse all of the details for each tier are in the ticketing website, so you can just look at them before you click anything. But yeah.


Syd (01:22:15.702)



Syd (01:22:19.886)

Sounds fun. Well, it was really fun interviewing. Like I said, I hope to have you again soon. Just email me anytime, but we really appreciate your time and talking to you and getting to know you as well as getting to know the event that's coming up. So again, go to the website, buy the tickets. Oh, go ahead.


Roseann (01:22:34.036)

is I've.


I just remembered it. Skip the line! Skip the line! Okay, sorry, sorry. Anyway, yes, yes, I didn't mean to interrupt your closing, but I have to say it.


Syd (01:22:42.446)

Oh, there you go.


Syd (01:22:46.51)

See, I knew that would happen.


Syd (01:22:52.686)

Oh no, you're fine, you're fine. I'm glad you remembered. I appreciate it.


Roseann (01:22:56.948)

Yes, I appreciate you. Thank you for being patient with my scattered brain right now.


Syd (01:23:03.148)

Oh no, it's, hey, I get it. I get, when you have events, like I said, it takes a toll on you and a lot of people don't realize all the planning and everything. So I get it. That's why I said anybody who's a part of the show, you know, I appreciate it, especially when it, you know, all the volunteers and the vendors and the show. I mean, there's so much and they're all appreciated. I mean, I'm not going to be there, but I appreciate everything. So thank you for everybody putting it on.


Roseann (01:23:12.66)



Roseann (01:23:26.644)

Yeah, right back at you and same with the with this podcast. I think it's really cool that you're doing this but


Syd (01:23:33.518)

Well, it's a start. Again, like I said, we're trying to get Arizona a little bit better. So it's, you know, little baby steps. And I was hoping this would, you know, also help make a difference there as well. Kind of close the gap to nationwide of all the hunters, you know?


Roseann (01:23:41.38)

Yeah, cool.


Roseann (01:23:48.744)

Mm -hmm. Very cool. Yeah, thank you again. Yeah. Thank you.


Syd (01:23:52.014)

Thank you so much.


Syd (01:23:56.686)

So we will talk to you again hopefully soon, but have a great rest of your day. And like I said, this will be out. So thank you. Bye.


Roseann (01:24:04.198)

Thank you. Have a great evening. Bye.