Haunted Attractions & Horror Galore Podcast (HAHGP)

Podcast E14 3 Best Arizona Movies Podcasts

Episode Summary

In this short podcast episode, Syd shares some news about their podcast being selected as one of the top three Arizona movie podcasts on the web. They express gratitude for the recognition and mention their plans to do more movie reviews and discuss the horror movie industry. Syd also invites listeners to suggest movies to review or to be a guest on the show. They express appreciation for the support and engagement from their listeners and end the episode with a thank you. https://podcasts.feedspot.com/arizona_movies_podcasts/ usahauntsearch.com hallozona.com https://qrco.de/beJjEa

Episode Notes

















Episode Transcription

Syd (00:00.974)

Hi everyone and you are listening to Haunted Attractions and Horgallore Podcast. It's been a while and I apologize for that. It's just been absolutely crazy around here with work and different things. Today I was actually supposed to interview a Haunter but they never showed up. So instead of wasting the time I thought I would go ahead and do a podcast, this one will be real short just because it's kind of telling.


a little bit of news and moving on from that. So the news that I have is a while ago, and like I said, it's been crazy. I've been wanting to make a podcast about this. It's just been really chaotic in the last couple of weeks and whatnot. I got really busy with work and was doing a huge concert festival thing and it's just been...


One thing right after another also have been sick on and off and we got a new family member in our family. We have a new puppy. And if you know puppies, that's a huge handful. So like I said, there's been a lot going on. So I just wanted today to talk about how I, well, recently our podcast has been selected by a panelist as the, uh, one of the top three.


Arizona movie podcasts on the web and I got this email back, I don't know, March ish and end of March and they just wanted to let me know that, Hey, you're on this list. Congratulations. And, you know, there's a panelist that vote on this. There has to be lots of criteria, you know, like they judge it on certain things. You have to be able to.


Hit all the X's and the boxes in order to get it. So, I mean, I guess that's a pretty cool and big deal. Uh, so yeah, we're on the top three Arizona movie podcasts and it's pretty interesting. So they sent me this link and it goes right to the website, which is feed spot. Um, it's feed spot .com and I'll put the link and stuff to the little, you know, list that we got on.


Syd (02:17.454)

But it's three best Arizona movie podcasts, the best Arizona movie podcasts from thousands of podcasts on the web and ranked by traffic, social media followers, followers and freshness. And it just says Arizona's movie podcasts here are through the best podcasts worth listening to in 2024. And we're number two, which again, it's just.


Awesome to even be mentioned or even on a list, especially since we're still frequently new. And the first one's off the marquee. That's the number one that is on there. And then we're number two on an attractions and horrible color podcast, H A H G P. And then there's let all or let's all go to the lobby. That's the third one. So that is the top three. Let's see if it says anything.


All it says is Arizona movie newsletter is compare summary of day's most important episodes from the best Arizona movie podcast on the web delivered to your inbox. Oh, I guess you can actually submit your email and get emails about different things. And from my understanding, this feed spot does all kinds of different lists, you know, and rankings. And you can even submit your podcast or.


I believe you can even pay to be on it as well. Like I said, I didn't pay or anything. I just got an email and it said, congratulations. You know, I can actually read the email. It says, hi, Haunted Attraction and Horror Galore podcast. My name is Aja. I'm the founder of Feedspot. And I would like to personally congratulate you as your podcast, Haunted Attractions and Horror Galore, has been selected, like I said, by our panelists.


As one of the top three Arizona movie podcasts on the web. And then it gives me the link and it just says, I personally want to give you a high five and thank you for your contribution to this world. The most comparative list, top three on the internet. I'm honored to have you as part of this and wonderful. If you could spread the word by mentioning it in your podcast. Thank you so much.


Syd (04:39.118)

So that's something that, you know, a while ago happened and I'm not necessarily one to brag, but I mean, that is pretty cool. Like I said, we're still frequently a newer podcast. So to get mentioned in anything is, is really cool. So thank you very much. FeedSpot for putting this on your list and giving us recognition. We do talk about movies, not as much.


That's one of the things that we actually want to try to start doing more is some movie reviews and talking about, you know, the horror movie industry and stuff like that. If there is a specific movie you'd like us to talk about or mention or review, please let us know. Again, you can go to USAhauntsearch .com and then just go to our contact part on our website. Contact us and let us know or go on our social media and let us know if there's...


a specific movie that you would like to hear about, or even if you would like to be a guest on our podcast and do movie reviews or be a part of Movie Talk. We're also looking for that as well. Movie reviewers are people who are interested in being on the show. So like I said, this is going to be a short one. We just wanted to mention that. And, you know, thank you for everyone who has been listening to this podcast in the beginning and hearing how we started and


getting to listen to different interviews that we've done, talking to really interesting people, reviewing certain haunted attractions, just the journey we've been on and we hope to keep growing and doing more. We have over thousands of downloads and listeners, so thank you very, very much. And it's been overwhelming kind of how well we have been doing. Like I said, I didn't really expect much, but it is very...


Humbling to know that people actually listen and support us and even enjoy the show. So Again, thank you if you you know if you know anybody who has a haunted attraction or loves horror and stuff like that and would like to be on the show Please please please do not hesitate to reach out to us it doesn't cost anything to be on the show and We love meeting and hearing people's stories and just getting to know you know


Syd (07:01.742)

the world that we live in and everybody has a story and something interesting to say and it's cool to connect and hear stories about other people who like the same thing and you can relate to and so far everyone that we have interviewed and stuff, it has been so much fun and getting to know the people. So thank you, thank you, thank you. And again, thank you, FeedSpot for having us on your list. We hope to make more lists in the future and...


Again, thank you and really I am so overwhelmed with pretty much everything. So that is this podcast. Like I said, it's really short, but I didn't want to waste time since again, like I said, we were supposed to be interviewing someone, set up a time and they didn't show up and it happens, you know, it's, it's a thing kind of sucks, but didn't want to waste the time. So I was like, Hey, might as well. So thank you very much until next time.